donderdag 9 februari 2017

F.O.D. – ‘Harvest’, new album out February 7, 2017

F.O.D. – ‘Harvest’, out February 7, 2017
Funtime Records, Effervescence Records, Bird Attack Records, Bells On Records

Release show/festival, February 11, 2017
Hangar 27, Edegem with Call It Off, Adrenalized, PMX, and many more…

One could not possibly look past it these last few months, the entire internet but also the majority of the real life world was highly anticipating this Belgian band’s third full-album.  And too damn right we were!  The album is officially among us for a couple of days now, and I have yet to read the first not-totally-excited reaction or comment.  And that’s too damn right as well.

A melodic, harmony laden, emotional and diverse punkrock-anthem-filled beauty of an album it turns out to be.  Having had the privilege of an intimate listening session at my place, and getting my hands on both the vinyl and CD a wee bit sooner than the rest of the world, made me pick up my pen (well actually no it didn’t, it made me tap on my keyboard…) to write this down.  Brace yourselves for a completely biased analysis!

There’s 17 songs on this gem, and in non-stop rotation in my car for over a week, they made me realize something I had never before experienced with any other album ever.  The last song, “Seven Times”, which is one of my absolute favorites, ends with a last verse that lyrically and musically refers to the first song.  What an awesome and clever idea!  On repeat, this makes for a seamless transition back to song ‘1’, as if there was no end, nor a new beginning to the album.  It’s brilliant.  It makes you (or me, at least) not wanting to eject the CD, at all! Ever!!

As a whole, this album is by far F.O.D.’s best effort to date.  Their darkest too… It reads as a story or yes, a diary, covering the era in which songwriter Hans Roofthooft penned down these tunes and lines.  Personal suffering and hardship often make for the best albums and songs, and they most certainly have in this case.  Having heard of some of those experiences first-hand, months ago, made me choke up the first time I listened to corresponding songs with the lyric sheet.  The majority of the songs on here, paint the picture of nearly two years I guess, of going through a divorce, and the mess leading up to that heartbreaking decision.  Only to be followed by (what I can only imagine to be) the horrible feeling of being all alone with a broken heart, disillusioned, yet with three young kids whose world also got ripped apart, that take up all your energy in need of care, love and a stable family environment.  I still can’t sing along to ‘Forever Grateful (for Toon)’ without a lump in my throat.

Thank God the story ends with some positivity, courage, and the strong will and desire to look forward, and tackle the future, hopeful and confident.  That last song I mentioned before, is the perfect example : “…seven times I’ll fall, eight I’m standing up, I won’t let go…”

When I think about it, there is so much ‘story’ condensed in all of the lyrics, it is probably possible to write a book about this album, and who knows what will happen within a few years when this band has acquired the world-domination that it bloody well deserves!

But what about the music, you say… Well, I am no musician.  I can’t read a note, haven’t got a clue about chords, keys, octaves, bars, times, beats… absolute n00b.  But!  I can listen and compare, and give an honest, yet unsubstantiated opinion.  Here goes…  I still pick up influences here and there (Weezer, NUFAN, Bad Religion, Aussie skatepunk bands, …) but at the same time I truly believe this album has given F.O.D. their own, trademark ‘sound’.  The colour of Hans’ voice, combined with the ever present harmonies with Stijn, will often ring a Bad Religion bell, and some of the lyrical phrasing and song-build-up is comparable to other bands, yes.  But every song, when played outside of this album’s context, will have you think “Ah yes, this is probably an F.O.D.-song…!”, if you know anything at all about music, of course...

I even have my favorite ‘second’ in this album! How about that… It is 00:17 – 00:18 of the song “Autism Spectrum Disorder Blues”.  That shreddy, lightning fast, four-stroke-thingy, makes me cream my pants every single time.  Figuratively speaking that is…  What even makes this song, and by extension the entire album, so much more outstanding is the fact that this little one-second-hook could have easily been used three or four times.  But instead, at similar points further down the song, there’s a drum fill, or an unexpected pause-stop, or another riffy guitar bit.  It’s just brilliant, It is next-level craftsmanship and musicianship.  It makes for a never-boring and often-surprising listening experience, and I dare say that this has rarely been done so well.

All of the above, predicts a bright future for F.O.D., and a lot of blood, sweat and tears in the practice space, ha!  And I’ll be checking for a perfect execution of all the tricky bits at the release show this Saturday, HA!!

To conclude, after one week of intense listening, these are my favorite songs so far, in no particular order :

-        Crew You (because reasons)

-         Autism Spectrum Disorder Blues (because shreds)

-         Forever Grateful (because how torn apart can a father be)

-         Never Be Just Anyone (because I’m a sucker for staccato guitar bits, sue me!)

-         This Year Has Been The Worst Yet (because lyrics, so much beauty, so much pain…)

-         Seven Times (because chin up and see the light!!)

And the songs that were a bit harder to get into at first, but are well worth the effort.  They grew on me with every spin, and are almost just as favorite now, making this album extremely enjoyable front to back… :

-         There’s A Place (vocal effect intro : hello Green Day!!)

-         Kiss Away (that instrumental last 70+ seconds, didn’t like it at first, gets better every time)

There you go, that was just my opinion...  Now pick up this album if you haven’t yet, and go form one of your own!  Do it here :

That is all.  Carry on.

Werner. (whose name sounds weird in English) (it does, you know…)

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